Meet my talented team
The record – breaking team that has not only helped me perform at the highest level, but have shaped me into who I am today.

Matt Horsnell
Matt has been my personal coach since I was 10 years old. He has shaped me from a girl who jumped in school carnivals to a world class high jumper. Based on the Central Coast of NSW, we have been able to train together almost every day for the last 17 years. Matt specialises in overseeing the whole program for my strength, power and jumping technique. His leadership and encouragement have allowed me to become the person and athlete I am today.

Brett Doring
Brett is my physiotherapist, working on not only preventing injury, but using his knowledge to coordinate my warm up and recovery programs to gain strength. When home on the Central Coast, I am known to be at one of the locations of COASTSPORT every week day, to the point most people believe I work there in some capacity. Overseas Brett also helps coordinate via online platforms to keep me in the best shape for jumping.

Leigh-Anne McBride
Leigh-Anne is my personal exercise physiologist and Pilates instructor since 2019. Working within the COASTSPORT team, she has tailored my weekly programs to target my imbalances and weaknesses. Leigh also has a big position in working my range of motion and flexibility to help maintain my position over the high jump bar!

Nicolai Morris
A valuable asset to my team, Nicolai provides Strength and Conditioning programs specifically tailored to the weaknesses that Brett, Leigh and Matt discover every month. Her wisdom in programming has been phenomenal to our team, that even when based in another state or country, our communication is as if she is physically there. Nic is also a leader in current knowledge of S&C and accredited in Gymnastics coaching, which has been implemented in my program for the upcoming 2024 season.

Puma is an international sportswear company with a HQ in Germany. They have manufactured the highest quality athletic shoes and uniforms for over 70 years. In 2019 I got my first contract with Puma, which allowed to become a professional athlete, focussing on bettering my skills with the help of their equipment and financial support. It is a privilege to jump in a special ‘Nicola’ spike every competition and represent their brand on my heart in everything I do.

COASTSPORT is a world class allied health and sports medicine service located on the Central Coast. Since 2018 the team at COASTSPORT have been my personal sponsor in physiotherapy and exercise physiology. They have kept me injury free in my performances and competition when training at home on the Central Coast.

NSWIS has a vision to provide a world leading sporting organisation and ensure NSW athletes are consistently representing Australia and winning medals at major events. They have provided services and support to me since 2019, directing me to the best options whilst basing on the Central Coast.

Athletics Australia
Athletics Australia is the national body of athletics that has supported my development and professional career as a High Jump athlete. Throughout their many services and advisory knowledge, they have helped shape me into the athlete I am today.

The satisfaction that I jump and live by was once performance-driven, to bring meaning to life. Yet that all changed when I was introduced to Jesus.
It was not the religious kind of meeting that presents itself once a week, but it was an intimate encounter, which has impacted every single day of my life since I made a decision to follow Him. This decision has overflowed a love in my heart to see His will done and gospel known in every nation, stadium, school, church and community I travel to.
Jumping now with God, is an international platform to make the unbiased, consistent love of the King known. His love has spurred me on to dream a lot higher and bigger than my own wants or needs.
I live a life that surpassed every dream I had set for myself – for when I surrendered them all to God, He fulfilled them all in a more excellent way!
Fun Facts
- I live on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia. I have grown up and have trained in the same location my entire life
- After High School, I studied at the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in Biochemistry. I completed this whilst competing internationally with the help of their Elite Athlete Program
- In April 2022 I got married to Rhys, a decision that has increased the joy and the power of God’s calling in both of our lives. From that date on, I started competing under the last name of Olyslagers
- When I am at home relaxing something that I love to do is play piano, paint and write in my journal, and go for walks in National Parks

Everlasting Crowns
Mission: To encourage, empower and equip athletes to transform culture through the love of Christ.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?
Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
There was a moment in 2017 whilst spending time with Christian athletes, that I realised the peace and freedom we were experiencing in sport through faith was completely countercultural, it was radical. It came into my heart that the gospel was too good not to share in our community, and simultaneously the same conviction came into my best friend Naa’s heart. We shared it and from a simple phone call, the beginning of Everlasting Crowns began.
The focus of this ministry is to see fellow athletes transformed by Jesus’s perfect love, planted in churches, and discipled to be a blessing to every place they are sent. Our passion is gathering sportspeople across local and international events for bible studies and prayer meetings, forming a network of believers. Our hope is that they rise up to not only have faith but compete with an eternal perspective. We have witnessed the beginning of a movement in sport of what it looks like to be set free, where our journey in sport is not contrary to growing in our relationship with Jesus, but strengthens it! Outside of the season, we gather for weekly Zoom calls to continue discipling athletes from home.